Can I connect to my company's Exchange server through Kontact?

Solution 1:

Recently I changed from Windows to Ubuntu. I had the same problem.

After a long search I founded DavMail ( ). It is a gateway which transfers all of the exchange messages to your local email client. On the website everything is explained for Thunderbird (I'm using it as well) but maybe it is also possible with Kontact (KMail).

If you start using DavMail keep a look on the log-files. It can grow very hard (mine was more then 7Gb before I noticed, I clean these every day now by putting the following in Crontab: "@reboot > /var/log/davmail.log" ).

Solution 2:

Yes it's kinda almost 100% possible. Requires latest stable kdepim which is currently kdepim 4.6.1. Anything from kdepim 4.6.0/kmail2/kontact2 will work. Works via davmail, nd with akonadi resource davgroupware/davical.

You can use the old version to only send/receive email, if that's all you interested in, that's been working for ages. Yes all this requires OWA enabled on server.

For me exchange contact sync is working 100% both ways. exchange calendar sync is only working from Exchange pushed down to kontact. Not sure why. LDAP/GAL lookup is working.

Be warned, new kontact/kdepim is very buggy still although with a lot of TLC can be made to work nicely.

You can also disable davmail log file, so no need to rotate it/clean it.


DavMail Settings:

  # what is not specified here is otherwise default
  OWA: URL to exchange server
  Trash keep delay (POP): 1
  Sent keep delay (POP): 1
  Calendar past events (Caldav): 1

kontact => Mail => Configure KMail => Accounts => Add => POP3 Email Server

Name: Exchange Mail
Incoming mail server: localhost
Username: DOMAIN\username
Password: ThePassword
Check enable interval mail checking: 5 minutes
Add SMTP server
Outgoing mail server: localhost
Server requires authentication: check
Username: DOMAIN\username
Password: ThePassword

kontact => Calendar => Add Calendar => DAV groupware resource => DAVical =>

Name: Exchange Calendar
Host: 'write anything here, doesn't matter you will edit it later'
Installation path: 'write anything here, doesn't matter you will edit it later'
uncheck use SSL
Click next, next and finish

Then edit the resource and set the following:

Remote calendar access protocol: CalDAV
Remote URL: http://localhost:1080/users/[email protected]/calendar/
Username: DOMAIN\username
Password: ThePassword

Click Fetch and OK Refresh every 30 minutes

kontact => AddressBook => Add Address Book => DAV groupware resource => DAVical =>

Name: Exchange Contacts
Host: 'write anything here, doesn't matter you will edit it later'
Installation path: 'write anything here, doesn't matter you will edit it later'
uncheck use SSL

Click next, next and finish

Then edit the resource and set the following:

Remote calendar access protocol: CardDAV
Remote URL: http://localhost:1080/users/[email protected]/contacts/
Username: DOMAIN\username
Password: ThePassword

Click Fetch and OK Refresh every 99 minutes

kontact => settings => Configure Kontact => Contacts => LDAP Server Settings => Add Host

Host: localhost
DN: ou=people
Authentication: Simple
Port: 1389
Bind DN: DOMAIN\username
Password: ThePassword

Click OK

Tick localhost

kontact => Mail => settings => Configure KMail => Composer => Configure completion order => and set LDAP to first

Solution 3:

I don't know if this might help you pinpoint the solution to your issue, but by default, Exchange 2010 will not connect to any client which is configured to connect using unencrypted connections. If Kontact has an option to encrypt the MAPI traffic (I assume it connects via MAPI like evolution) it might connect. I'm also interested in knowing how a DAV product could connect to Exchange 2010, since the last version to support DAV access was Exchange 2007.
