KVM network bridge with two NICs
Solution 1:
I have a similar scenario with ubuntu 12.04.02 as server OS.
My currently single guest is running CentOS.
The server has 4 NICs and I want to run eth0 solely for the server, use eth1 for iSCSI to the storage and eth2 and eth3 for the guests.
Eth0, eth2 and eth3 connect to the same lan.
I am not sure if I correctly figured out how to setup the interfaces though.
The descriptions I have found so far only deal with 1 NIC in the server.
Currently I have configured eth0 with dhcp IP as I use a fixed reservation on the dhcp server.
My bridge for eth2 is named br2
I have configured eth2 and br2 as follows
auto eth2
iface eth2 inet manual
auto br2
iface br2 inet manual
bridge_ports eth2
bridge_stp off
bridge_fd 0
bridge_maxwait 0
brctl addif br2 eth2
Interfaces eth2 and br2 are brought up without an IP as expected.
The guests then also request their address using dhcp.