Can you put an area of a residence in selection?

If you create a residence (using this bukkit mod) you may need to enlarge it later on. Unfortunately, I see no way to put an area of residence in residence selection - so that I expand it.

This is what I imagine:

/res select resarea Home

This would select the area of the existing residence - this command is what I need, but can't find.

/res select expand 5

Expand selected area by 5 units/by a factor of 5.

/res area replace Home main

Replace the old area with the new expanded one.

Solution 1:

Here is a useful guide to expand a residence:

The first step to expanding an existing residence is to select the entire residence into our selection “clipboard.”

Every residence has at least one area. By default, that area is called “main” and occupies the entire residence. To select the entire residence, you need to select that area. Replace the word YourResName with the name of the residence you wish to expand.

/res select residence YourResName main

In your case you would use:

/res select residence Home main