Print specific part of webpage

I'm trying to print a specific part of my application.

The application has a list of users, displaying their first and last name. When I click a user I get a popup with more detailed information about them.

How would I go about printing just the popup for a user I clicked? The popup looks like this:

 <div id="user<?=$user->id;?>" class="popup">
      <div class="details">
           User details...
      <a href="#print">Print</a>

The print button isn't working yet though.

Solution 1:

You can use simple JavaScript to print a specific div from a page.

var prtContent = document.getElementById("your div id");
var WinPrint ='', '', 'left=0,top=0,width=800,height=900,toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,status=0');

Solution 2:

You would have to open a new window(or navigate to a new page) containing just the information you wish the user to be able to print


function printInfo(ele) {
    var openWindow ="", "title", "attributes");


<div id="....">
        content to print
    </div><a href="#" onclick="printInfo(this)">Print</a>

A few notes here: the anchor must NOT have whitespace between it and the div containing the content to print

Solution 3:

I made this jQuery extension to print the HTML of the element selected: $('#div2').print();

    print: function() {
        var frameName = 'printIframe';
        var doc = window.frames[frameName];
        if (!doc) {
            $('<iframe>').hide().attr('name', frameName).appendTo(document.body);
            doc = window.frames[frameName];
        doc.document.body.innerHTML = this.html();
        return this;

See it in action here.

Solution 4:

Instead of all the complicated JavaScript, you can actually achieve this with simple CSS: just use two CSS files, one for your normal screen display, and another for the display of ONLY the content you wish to print. In this latter file, hide everything you don't want printed, display only the pop up.

Remember to define the media attribute of both CSS files:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="screen-css.css" media="all" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="print-css.css" media="print" />

Solution 5:

Just use CSS to hide the content you do not want printed. When the user selects print - the page will look to the " media="print" CSS for instructions about the layout of the page.

The media="print" CSS has instructions to hide the content that we do not want printed.

<!-- CSS for the things we want to print (print view) -->
<style type="text/css" media="print">

        display: none;

<!-- CSS for the things we DO NOT want to print (web view) -->
<style type="text/css" media="screen">

      display: none;

     the stuff I DO NOT want printed is here and will be hidden - 
     and not printed when the user selects print.

<div id="PRINT_VIEW">
     the stuff I DO want printed is here.