JPA mapping: "QuerySyntaxException: foobar is not mapped..."

JPQL mostly is case-insensitive. One of the things that is case-sensitive is Java entity names. Change your query to:

"SELECT r FROM FooBar r"

There is also another possible source of this error. In some J2EE / web containers (in my experience under Jboss 7.x and Tomcat 7.x) You have to add each class You want to use as a hibernate Entity into the file persistence.xml as


In case of jboss this concerns every entity class (local - i.e. within the project You are developing or in a library). In case of Tomcat 7.x this concerns only entity classes within libraries.

You have declared your Class as:

@Table( name = "foobar" )
public class FooBar {

You need to write the Class Name for the search.
from FooBar

I got the same error while using other one entity, He was annotating the class wrongly by using the table name inside the @Entity annotation without using the @Table annotation

The correct format should be

@Entity //default name similar to class name 'FooBar' OR @Entity( name = "foobar" ) for differnt entity name
@Table( name = "foobar" ) // Table name 
public class FooBar{