slice of struct != slice of interface it implements?

This is very similar to a question I just answered:

The short answer is that you are correct. A slice of structs is not equal to a slice of an interface the struct implements.

A []Person and a []Model have different memory layouts. This is because the types they are slices of have different memory layouts. A Model is an interface value which means that in memory it is two words in size. One word for the type information, the other for the data. A Person is a struct whose size depends on the fields it contains. In order to convert from a []Person to a []Model, you will need to loop over the array and do a type conversion for each element.

Since this conversion is an O(n) operation and would result in a new slice being created, Go refuses to do it implicitly. You can do it explicitly with the following code.

models := make([]Model, len(persons))
for i, v := range persons {
    models[i] = Model(v)
return models

And as dskinner pointed out, you most likely want a slice of pointers and not a pointer to a slice. A pointer to a slice is not normally needed.

*[]Person        // pointer to slice
[]*Person        // slice of pointers

Maybe this is an issue with your return type *[]Person, where it should actually be []*Person so to reference that each index of the slice is a reference to a Person, and where a slice [] is in itself a reference to an array.

Check out the following example:

package main

import (

type Model interface {
    Name() string

type Person struct {}

func (p *Person) Name() string {
    return "Me"

func NewPersons() (models []*Person) {
    return models

func main() {
    var p Model
    p = new(Person)

    arr := NewPersons()
    arr = append(arr, new(Person))

As Stephen already answered the question and you're a beginner I emphasize on giving advises.

A better way of working with go's interfaces is not to have a constructor returning the interface as you might be used to from other languages, like java, but to have a constructor for each object independently, as they implement the interface implicitly.

Instead of

newModel(type string) Model { ... }

you should do

newPerson() *Person { ... }
newPolitician() *Politician { ... }

with Person and Politician both implementing the methods of Model. You can still use Person or Politician everywhere where a Model is accepted, but you can also implement other interfaces.

With your method you would be limited to Model until you do a manual conversion to another interface type.

Suppose I have a Person which implements the method Walk() and a Model implements ShowOff(), the following would not work straight forward:

newModel("person").Walk() // Does not compile, Model has no method Walk

However this would:


As others have already answered, []T is a distinct type. I'd just like to add that a simple utility can be used to convert them generically.

import "reflect"

// Convert a slice or array of a specific type to array of interface{}
func ToIntf(s interface{}) []interface{} {
    v := reflect.ValueOf(s)
    // There is no need to check, we want to panic if it's not slice or array
    intf := make([]interface{}, v.Len())
    for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
        intf[i] = v.Index(i).Interface()
    return intf

Now, you can use it like this:


Types T and []T are distinct types and distinct are their methods as well, even when satisfying the same interface. IOW, every type satisfying Model must implement all of the Model's methods by itself - the method receiver can be only one specific type.