Can't find bundle for base name /Bundle, locale en_US

Solution 1:

The exception is telling that a, or, or at least file is expected in the root of the classpath, but there is actually none.

Make sure that at least one of the mentioned files is present in the root of the classpath. Or, make sure that you provide the proper bundle name. For example, if the bundle files are actually been placed in the package com.example.i18n, then you need to pass com.example.i18n.Bundle as bundle name instead of Bundle.

In case you're using Eclipse "Dynamic Web Project", the classpath root is represented by src folder, there where all your Java packages are. In case you're using a Maven project, the classpath root for resource files is represented by src/main/resources folder.

See also:

  • Maven and JSF webapp structure, where exactly to put JSF resources

Solution 2:


If you start the Project using the maven-tomcat-plugin / maven-tomcat7-plugin, you must place the, or even the in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes. Dont ask why, its because how the plugin fake a tomcat.

Solution 3:

If you are running the .java file in Eclipse you need to add the resource path in the build path . after that you will not see this error

Solution 4:

In my case the problem was using the language tag "en_US" in Locale.forLanguageTag(..) instead of "en-US" - use a dash instead of underline!

Also use Locale.forLanguageTag("en-US") instead of new Locale("en_US") or new Locale("en_US") to define a language ("en") with a region ("US") - but new Locale("en") works.

Solution 5:

I had the same problemo, and balus solution fixed it.

For the record:

WEB-INF\faces-config is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

And had under WebContent\Resources (after mkyong's tutorial)

the pesky exception appeared even when i renamed the bundle to "Message_en_us" and "Message_en". Moving it to src\ worked.

Should someone post the missing piece to make bundles work under resources,it would be a beautiful thing.