Map HTML to JSON [closed]

I just wrote this function that does what you want; try it out let me know if it doesn't work correctly for you:

// Test with an element.
var initElement = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0];
var json = mapDOM(initElement, true);

// Test with a string.
initElement = "<div><span>text</span>Text2</div>";
json = mapDOM(initElement, true);

function mapDOM(element, json) {
    var treeObject = {};
    // If string convert to document Node
    if (typeof element === "string") {
        if (window.DOMParser) {
              parser = new DOMParser();
              docNode = parser.parseFromString(element,"text/xml");
        } else { // Microsoft strikes again
              docNode = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
              docNode.async = false;
        element = docNode.firstChild;
    //Recursively loop through DOM elements and assign properties to object
    function treeHTML(element, object) {
        object["type"] = element.nodeName;
        var nodeList = element.childNodes;
        if (nodeList != null) {
            if (nodeList.length) {
                object["content"] = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) {
                    if (nodeList[i].nodeType == 3) {
                    } else {
                        treeHTML(nodeList[i], object["content"][object["content"].length -1]);
        if (element.attributes != null) {
            if (element.attributes.length) {
                object["attributes"] = {};
                for (var i = 0; i < element.attributes.length; i++) {
                    object["attributes"][element.attributes[i].nodeName] = element.attributes[i].nodeValue;
    treeHTML(element, treeObject);
    return (json) ? JSON.stringify(treeObject) : treeObject;

Working example: (Tested in Chrome, I can't guarantee full browser support - you will have to test this).

​It creates an object that contains the tree structure of the HTML page in the format you requested and then uses JSON.stringify() which is included in most modern browsers (IE8+, Firefox 3+ .etc); If you need to support older browsers you can include json2.js.

It can take either a DOM element or a string containing valid XHTML as an argument (I believe, I'm not sure whether the DOMParser() will choke in certain situations as it is set to "text/xml" or whether it just doesn't provide error handling. Unfortunately "text/html" has poor browser support).

You can easily change the range of this function by passing a different value as element. Whatever value you pass will be the root of your JSON map.


Representing complex HTML documents will be difficult and full of corner cases, but I just wanted to share a couple techniques to show how to get this kind of program started. This answer differs in that it uses data abstraction and the toJSON method to recursively build the result

Below, html2json is a tiny function which takes an HTML node as input and it returns a JSON string as the result. Pay particular attention to how the code is quite flat but it's still plenty capable of building a deeply nested tree structure – all possible with virtually zero complexity

const Elem = e => ({
    Array.from(e.attributes, ({name, value}) => [name, value]),
    Array.from(e.children, Elem)

const html2json = e =>
  JSON.stringify(Elem(e), null, '  ')
  <h1 class="mainHeading">Some heading</h1>
  <ul id="menu">
    <li><a href="/a">a</a></li>
    <li><a href="/b">b</a></li>
    <li><a href="/c">c</a></li>
  <p>some text</p>

In the previous example, the textContent gets a little butchered. To remedy this, we introduce another data constructor, TextElem. We'll have to map over the childNodes (instead of children) and choose to return the correct data type based on e.nodeType – this gets us a littler closer to what we might need

const TextElem = e => ({

const Elem = e => ({
    Array.from(e.attributes, ({name, value}) => [name, value]),
    Array.from(e.childNodes, fromNode)

const fromNode = e => {
  switch (e?.nodeType) {
    case 1: return Elem(e)
    case 3: return TextElem(e)
    default: throw Error(`unsupported nodeType: ${e.nodeType}`) 

const html2json = e =>
  JSON.stringify(Elem(e), null, '  ')
  <h1 class="mainHeading">Some heading</h1>
  <ul id="menu">
    <li><a href="/a">a</a></li>
    <li><a href="/b">b</a></li>
    <li><a href="/c">c</a></li>
  <p>some text</p>

Anyway, that's just two iterations on the problem. Of course you'll have to address corner cases where they come up, but what's nice about this approach is that it gives you a lot of flexibility to encode the HTML however you wish in JSON – and without introducing too much complexity

In my experience, you could keep iterating with this technique and achieve really good results. If this answer is interesting to anyone and would like me to expand upon anything, let me know ^_^

Related: Recursive methods using JavaScript: building your own version of JSON.stringify


Above we go from HTML to JSON and now we can go from JSON to HTML. When we can convert between two data types without losing data, this is called an isomorphism. All we are essentially doing here is writing the inverses of each function above -

const HtmlNode = (tagName, attributes = [], children = []) => {
  const e = document.createElement(tagName)
  for (const [k, v] of attributes) e.setAttribute(k, v)
  for (const child of children) e.appendChild(toNode(child))
  return e

const TextNode = (text) => {
  return document.createTextNode(text)
const toNode = t => {
  switch (t?.type) {
    case "Elem": return HtmlNode(t.tagName, t.attributes, t.children)
    case "TextElem": return TextNode(t.textContent)
    default: throw Error("unsupported type: " + t.type)

const json2html = json =>

const parsedJson =
  {"type":"Elem","tagName":"MAIN","attributes":[],"children":[{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"\n  "},{"type":"Elem","tagName":"H1","attributes":[["class","mainHeading"]],"children":[{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"Some heading"}]},{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"\n  "},{"type":"Elem","tagName":"UL","attributes":[["id","menu"]],"children":[{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"\n    "},{"type":"Elem","tagName":"LI","attributes":[],"children":[{"type":"Elem","tagName":"A","attributes":[["href","/a"]],"children":[{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"a"}]}]},{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"\n    "},{"type":"Elem","tagName":"LI","attributes":[],"children":[{"type":"Elem","tagName":"A","attributes":[["href","/b"]],"children":[{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"b"}]}]},{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"\n    "},{"type":"Elem","tagName":"LI","attributes":[],"children":[{"type":"Elem","tagName":"A","attributes":[["href","/c"]],"children":[{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"c"}]}]},{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"\n  "}]},{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"\n  "},{"type":"Elem","tagName":"P","attributes":[],"children":[{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"some text"}]},{"type":"TextElem","textContent":"\n"}]}


I got few links sometime back while reading on ExtJS full framework in itself is JSON.

online XML to JSON converter :

UPDATE BTW, To get JSON as added in question, HTML need to have type & content tags in it too like this or you need to use some xslt transformation to add these elements while doing JSON conversion

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

I had a similar issue where I wanted to represent HTML as JSON in the following way:

  • For HTML text nodes, use a string
  • For HTML elements, use an array with:
    • The (tag) name of the element
    • An object, mapping attribute keys to attribute values
    • The (inlined) list of children nodes




   ['span', {}, 'text'],

I wrote a function which handles transforming a DOM Element into this kind of JS structure. You can find this function at the end of this answer. The function is written in Typescript. You can use the Typescript playground to convert it to clean JavaScript.

Furthermore, if you need to parse an html string into DOM, assign to .innerHtml:

let element = document.createElement('div')
element.innerHtml = htmlString

Also, this one is common knowledge but if you need a JSON string output, use JSON.stringify.

 * A NodeDescriptor stands for either an (HTML) Element, or for a text node
export type NodeDescriptor = ElementDescriptor | string

 * Array representing an HTML Element. It consists of:
 * - The (tag) name of the element
 * - An object, mapping attribute keys to attribute values
 * - The (inlined) list of children nodes
export type ElementDescriptor = [
   Record<string, string>,

export let htmlToJs = (element: Element, trim = true): ElementDescriptor => {
   let convertElement = (element: Element): ElementDescriptor => {
      let attributeObject: Record<string, string> = {}
      for (let { name, value } of element.attributes) {
         attributeObject[name] = value

      let childArray: NodeDescriptor[] = []
      for (let node of element.childNodes) {
         let converter = htmlToJsDispatch[node.nodeType]
         if (converter) {
            let descriptor = converter(node as any)
            let skip = false

            if (trim && typeof descriptor === 'string') {
               descriptor = descriptor.trim()
               if (descriptor === '') skip = true

            if (!skip) childArray.push(descriptor)

      return [element.tagName.toLowerCase(), attributeObject, ...childArray]

   let htmlToJsDispatch = {
      [element.ELEMENT_NODE]: convertElement,
      [element.TEXT_NODE]: (node: Text): string =>,

   return convertElement(element)