Ubuntu 20.04: Why does turning off "wi-fi can be turned off to save power" turn my wi-fi off?

Solution 1:

That's not what it means. Turning that off turns the WI-FI off, not the computer's ability to turn Wi-Fi off. It has the "turning Wi-Fi off can save power" subtitle to tell you why you might want to turn Wi-Fi off. Just leave it on if you want Wi-Fi, or off if you don't.

Solution 2:

For those of you actually trying to do what the feature says, e.g. Disable Power-save for Wi-Fi, you have to... use a text editor.

Edit your /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf and change wifi.powersave = 3 to wifi.powersave = 2

Now that the solution is out of the way, let's dwell on the embarrassment to the English language. Wi-Fi can be turned off = Wi-Fi WILL be turned off to save power. Really? Can = WILL?