Make a script which accept command-line arguments

What is the correct syntax for running a Node.js script with command-line arguments on Linux or Mac?

To run the script with no arguments, I would simply use the command node stuff.js, but in this case, I'd like to run a script called stuff.js with the arguments "blah", "hee", "woohoo!".


In summary you'll run it like

node stuff.js blah hee "whoohoo!"

Then your arguments are available in process.argv

If you want to do more sophisticated stuff, the following modules are really helpful:

  • yargs by Benjamin Coe
  • commander by TJ Holowaychuk
  • vorpal by David Caccavella
  • nopt by Isaac Schlueter

And for fun

  • cli-table by Guillermo Rauch
  • node-multimeter by substack
  • chalk by Sindre Sorhus