twitter bootstrap autocomplete dropdown / combobox with Knockoutjs

Solution 1:

Have a look at Select2 for Bootstrap. It should be able to do everything you need.

Another good option is Selectize.js. It feels a bit more native to Bootstrap.

Solution 2:

Does the basic HTML5 datalist work? It's clean and you don't have to play around with the messy third party code. W3SCHOOL tutorial

The MDN Documentation is very eloquent and features examples.

Solution 3:

Select2 for Bootstrap 3 native plugin

this plugin uses select2 jquery plugin


PM> Install-Package Select2-Bootstrap

Solution 4:

Fuel UX combobox has all the features you would expect.

Solution 5:

Can i suggest, works more like the twitter post suggestion where it gives you a list of users or topics based on @ or # tags,

view demo here:

in this one you can easily change the @ and # to anything you want