"The given path's format is not supported."

I have the following code in my web service:

string str_uploadpath = Server.MapPath("/UploadBucket/Raw/");
FileStream objfilestream = new FileStream(str_uploadpath +
                fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

Can someone help me resolve the issue with this error message from line 2 of the code.

The given path's format is not supported.

Permission on the folder is set to full access to everyone and it is the actual path to the folder.

The breakpoint gave me the value of str_uploadpath as C:\\webprojects\\webservices\\UploadBucket\\Raw\\.

What is wrong with this string?

Solution 1:

Rather than using str_uploadpath + fileName, try using System.IO.Path.Combine instead:

Path.Combine(str_uploadpath, fileName);

which returns a string.

Solution 2:

I see that the originator found out that the error occurred when trying to save the filename with an entire path. Actually it's enough to have a ":" in the file name to get this error. If there might be ":" in your file name (for instance if you have a date stamp in your file name) make sure you replace these with something else. I.e:

string fullFileName = fileName.Split('.')[0] + "(" + DateTime.Now.ToString().Replace(':', '-') + ")." + fileName.Split('.')[1];

Solution 3:

For me the problem was an invisible to human eye "‪" Left-To-Right Embedding character.
It stuck at the beginning of the string (just before the 'D'), after I copy-pasted the path, from the windows file properties security tab.

var yourJson = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"D:\test\json.txt"); // Works
var yourJson = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"‪D:\test\json.txt"); // Error

So those, identical at first glance, two lines are actually different.

Solution 4:

If you are trying to save a file to the file system. Path.Combine is not bullet proof as it won't help you if the file name contains invalid characters. Here is an extension method that strips out invalid characters from file names:

public static string ToSafeFileName(this string s)
        return s
            .Replace("\\", "")
            .Replace("/", "")
            .Replace("\"", "")
            .Replace("*", "")
            .Replace(":", "")
            .Replace("?", "")
            .Replace("<", "")
            .Replace(">", "")
            .Replace("|", "");

And the usage can be:

Path.Combine(str_uploadpath, fileName.ToSafeFileName());