Should I stop fighting Visual Studio's default namespace naming convention? [closed]

Same as you - I fought this for the longest time. Then I started considering why I created folders. I found myself starting to create folders to represent namespaces and packages instead of arbitrary buckets.

For instance, in an MVVM project, it might be helpful to put views and view models in a separate namespace. MVC will have a separate namespace for Models, Controllers, and Views. It is also beneficial to group classes by their feature.

Suddenly, the project feels more organized. It is easier for other developers to find where features are implemented.

If you standardize on your namespace practices, all of your projects will have the same predictable structure which will be a big win for maintenance.

If you want some solid advice I'd recommend buying Framework Design Guidelines: Conventions, Idioms, and Patterns for Reusable .NET Libraries which gives you all you need to know from the actual framework design team.

...the goal when naming namespaces is creating sufficient clarity for the programmer using the framework to immediately know what the content of the namespace is likely to be...


And importantly

Do not use the same name for a namespace and a type in that namespace

Fragmenting every 1/2 types into namespaces would not meet the first requirement as you would have a swamp of namespaces that would have to be qualified or used, if you followed the Visual Studio way. For example

Core - Domain - Users - Permissions - Accounts

Would you create

  • MyCompany.Core.Domain.Users
  • MyCompany.Core.Domain.Permissions
  • MyCompany.Core.Domain.Accounts

or just

  • MyCompany.Core.Domain

For Visual Studio's way it would be the former. Also if you use lowercase file/folder naming you're looking at renaming the class each time, as well as making one big namespace tangle.

Most of it is common sense and really down to how you would expect to see the namespaces organised if you were a consumer of your own API or framework.

i was annoyed by this as well but working with and refactoring projects with large codebases quickly taught me otherwise. Having embraced the concept i think that it's a very good way to structure your code "physically" as well as logically. When you have a large project and the namespaces do not match up to the folders it becomes difficult to locate files quickly. It's also that much more difficult to remember where things are...

Also, if ReSharper recommends it, then it's probably a good idea. E.g. R# will complain if your class' namespace does not match its folder name.