Why is my army weaker than computer's army?

I (Castille) have 31000 men in my army (20 regiments of infantry and 11 of cavalry). Computer (Aragon) has 21000. During the battle I can see how much damage each one is producing. Every attack from them damages me 300 to 500. I only damage them 7 to 15.

Why is this happening? My men have high morale. I'm in my own territory. By the end of many battles I went from 31000 to 15000 and they only lost 3000 men and even regained their forces faster than me.

So pretty much I want to understand what I'm doing wrong and what exactly do I need to do to have a successful army. Also if someone can give me some pointers on the game overall.

Solution 1:

This site doesn't give overall pointers, but I can explain why you might be losing with superior numbers. There are a couple reasons that this could be happening. They could have better military tech than you. I doubt this is the case since it sounds like you are talking about early game and you shouldn't fall far behind aragon in general. They could have better leaders than you, make sure you assigned a leader. They could be simply very lucky, although this is unlikely with armies as big as the ones you mentioned. They may have a better army composition than you (50 percent inf/cav and 50 percent artillery is stronger than 100 percent inf/cav).

If you are the attacker, you also could be penalized for crossing a river, attacking into mountains or desert, or winter.

If you post a couple screenshots of the battle overview (the box that shows the troop formations and penalties and leader bonuses) I can probably explain the exact problem for you.