Create code128 barcode without installing font?

There's a way to install custom fonts without admin rights

However yakovleff has posted a great solution in MrExcel forum which will draw the barcode on your sheet, hence no font is needed

Inside VBA IDE select ThisWorkbook and paste the following function

Sub Code128Generate_v2(ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single, ByVal Height As Single, ByVal LineWeight As Single, _
                  ByRef TargetSheet As Worksheet, ByVal Content As String, Optional MaxWidth As Single = 0)
    ' Supports B and C charsets only; values 00-94, 99,101, 103-105 for B, 00-101, 103-105 for C
    ' X in mm (0.351)
    ' Y in mm (0.351) 1mm = 2.8 pt
    ' Height in mm
    ' LineWeight in pt

    Dim WeightSum As Single
    Const XmmTopt As Single = 0.351
    Const YmmTopt As Single = 0.351
    Const XCompRatio As Single = 0.9

    Const Tbar_Symbol As String * 2 = "11"
    Dim CurBar As Integer
    Dim i, j, k, CharIndex, SymbolIndex As Integer
    Dim tstr2 As String * 2
    Dim tstr1 As String * 1
    Dim ContentString As String ' bars sequence
    Const Asw As String * 1 = "A" ' alpha switch
    Const Dsw As String * 1 = "D" 'digital switch
    Const Arrdim As Byte = 30

    Dim Sw, PrevSw As String * 1  ' switch
    Dim BlockIndex, BlockCount, DBlockMod2, DBlockLen As Byte

    Dim BlockLen(Arrdim) As Byte
    Dim BlockSw(Arrdim) As String * 1

    Dim SymbolValue(0 To 106) As Integer ' values
    Dim SymbolString(0 To 106) As String * 11 'bits sequence
    Dim SymbolCharB(0 To 106) As String * 1  'Chars in B set
    Dim SymbolCharC(0 To 106) As String * 2  'Chars in B set

    For i = 0 To 106 ' values
        SymbolValue(i) = i
    Next i

    ' Symbols in charset B
    For i = 0 To 94
        SymbolCharB(i) = Chr(i + 32)
    Next i

    ' Symbols in charset C
    SymbolCharC(0) = "00"
    SymbolCharC(1) = "01"
    SymbolCharC(2) = "02"
    SymbolCharC(3) = "03"
    SymbolCharC(4) = "04"
    SymbolCharC(5) = "05"
    SymbolCharC(6) = "06"
    SymbolCharC(7) = "07"
    SymbolCharC(8) = "08"
    SymbolCharC(9) = "09"
    For i = 10 To 99
        SymbolCharC(i) = CStr(i)
    Next i

    ' bit sequences
    SymbolString(0) = "11011001100"
    SymbolString(1) = "11001101100"
    SymbolString(2) = "11001100110"
    SymbolString(3) = "10010011000"
    SymbolString(4) = "10010001100"
    SymbolString(5) = "10001001100"
    SymbolString(6) = "10011001000"
    SymbolString(7) = "10011000100"
    SymbolString(8) = "10001100100"
    SymbolString(9) = "11001001000"
    SymbolString(10) = "11001000100"
    SymbolString(11) = "11000100100"
    SymbolString(12) = "10110011100"
    SymbolString(13) = "10011011100"
    SymbolString(14) = "10011001110"
    SymbolString(15) = "10111001100"
    SymbolString(16) = "10011101100"
    SymbolString(17) = "10011100110"
    SymbolString(18) = "11001110010"
    SymbolString(19) = "11001011100"
    SymbolString(20) = "11001001110"
    SymbolString(21) = "11011100100"
    SymbolString(22) = "11001110100"
    SymbolString(23) = "11101101110"
    SymbolString(24) = "11101001100"
    SymbolString(25) = "11100101100"
    SymbolString(26) = "11100100110"
    SymbolString(27) = "11101100100"
    SymbolString(28) = "11100110100"
    SymbolString(29) = "11100110010"
    SymbolString(30) = "11011011000"
    SymbolString(31) = "11011000110"
    SymbolString(32) = "11000110110"
    SymbolString(33) = "10100011000"
    SymbolString(34) = "10001011000"
    SymbolString(35) = "10001000110"
    SymbolString(36) = "10110001000"
    SymbolString(37) = "10001101000"
    SymbolString(38) = "10001100010"
    SymbolString(39) = "11010001000"
    SymbolString(40) = "11000101000"
    SymbolString(41) = "11000100010"
    SymbolString(42) = "10110111000"
    SymbolString(43) = "10110001110"
    SymbolString(44) = "10001101110"
    SymbolString(45) = "10111011000"
    SymbolString(46) = "10111000110"
    SymbolString(47) = "10001110110"
    SymbolString(48) = "11101110110"
    SymbolString(49) = "11010001110"
    SymbolString(50) = "11000101110"
    SymbolString(51) = "11011101000"
    SymbolString(52) = "11011100010"
    SymbolString(53) = "11011101110"
    SymbolString(54) = "11101011000"
    SymbolString(55) = "11101000110"
    SymbolString(56) = "11100010110"
    SymbolString(57) = "11101101000"
    SymbolString(58) = "11101100010"
    SymbolString(59) = "11100011010"
    SymbolString(60) = "11101111010"
    SymbolString(61) = "11001000010"
    SymbolString(62) = "11110001010"
    SymbolString(63) = "10100110000"
    SymbolString(64) = "10100001100"
    SymbolString(65) = "10010110000"
    SymbolString(66) = "10010000110"
    SymbolString(67) = "10000101100"
    SymbolString(68) = "10000100110"
    SymbolString(69) = "10110010000"
    SymbolString(70) = "10110000100"
    SymbolString(71) = "10011010000"
    SymbolString(72) = "10011000010"
    SymbolString(73) = "10000110100"
    SymbolString(74) = "10000110010"
    SymbolString(75) = "11000010010"
    SymbolString(76) = "11001010000"
    SymbolString(77) = "11110111010"
    SymbolString(78) = "11000010100"
    SymbolString(79) = "10001111010"
    SymbolString(80) = "10100111100"
    SymbolString(81) = "10010111100"
    SymbolString(82) = "10010011110"
    SymbolString(83) = "10111100100"
    SymbolString(84) = "10011110100"
    SymbolString(85) = "10011110010"
    SymbolString(86) = "11110100100"
    SymbolString(87) = "11110010100"
    SymbolString(88) = "11110010010"
    SymbolString(89) = "11011011110"
    SymbolString(90) = "11011110110"
    SymbolString(91) = "11110110110"
    SymbolString(92) = "10101111000"
    SymbolString(93) = "10100011110"
    SymbolString(94) = "10001011110"
    SymbolString(95) = "10111101000"
    SymbolString(96) = "10111100010"
    SymbolString(97) = "11110101000"
    SymbolString(98) = "11110100010"
    SymbolString(99) = "10111011110"
    SymbolString(100) = "10111101110"
    SymbolString(101) = "11101011110"
    SymbolString(102) = "11110101110"
    SymbolString(103) = "11010000100"
    SymbolString(104) = "11010010000"
    SymbolString(105) = "11010011100"
    SymbolString(106) = "11000111010"

    X = X / XmmTopt 'mm to pt
    Y = Y / YmmTopt 'mm to pt
    Height = Height / YmmTopt 'mm to pt

    If IsNumeric(Content) = True And Len(Content) Mod 2 = 0 Then 'numeric, mode C
       WeightSum = SymbolValue(105) ' start-c
       ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(105)
       i = 0 ' symbol count
       For j = 1 To Len(Content) Step 2
          tstr2 = Mid(Content, j, 2)
          i = i + 1
          k = 0
          Do While tstr2 <> SymbolCharC(k)
             k = k + 1
          WeightSum = WeightSum + i * SymbolValue(k)
          ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(k)
       Next j
       ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(SymbolValue(WeightSum Mod 103))
       ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(106)
       ContentString = ContentString + Tbar_Symbol

    Else ' alpha-numeric

       ' first digit
       Select Case IsNumeric(Mid(Content, 1, 1))
       Case Is = True 'digit
          Sw = Dsw
       Case Is = False 'alpha
          Sw = Asw
       End Select
       BlockCount = 1
       BlockSw(BlockCount) = Sw
       BlockIndex = 1
       BlockLen(BlockCount) = 1 'block length

       i = 2 ' symbol index

       Do While i <= Len(Content)
          Select Case IsNumeric(Mid(Content, i, 1))
          Case Is = True 'digit
             Sw = Dsw
          Case Is = False 'alpha
             Sw = Asw
          End Select

          If Sw = BlockSw(BlockCount) Then
             BlockLen(BlockCount) = BlockLen(BlockCount) + 1
             BlockCount = BlockCount + 1
             BlockSw(BlockCount) = Sw
             BlockLen(BlockCount) = 1
             BlockIndex = BlockIndex + 1

          End If

          i = i + 1

       CharIndex = 1 'index of Content character
       SymbolIndex = 0

       For BlockIndex = 1 To BlockCount ' encoding by blocks

          If BlockSw(BlockIndex) = Dsw And BlockLen(BlockIndex) >= 4 Then ' switch to C
             Select Case BlockIndex
             Case Is = 1
                WeightSum = SymbolValue(105) ' Start-C
                ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(105)
             Case Else
                SymbolIndex = SymbolIndex + 1
                WeightSum = WeightSum + SymbolIndex * SymbolValue(99) 'switch c
                ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(99)
             End Select
             PrevSw = Dsw

             ' encoding even amount of chars in a D block
             DBlockMod2 = BlockLen(BlockIndex) Mod 2
             If DBlockMod2 <> 0 Then 'even chars always to encode
                DBlockLen = BlockLen(BlockIndex) - DBlockMod2
                DBlockLen = BlockLen(BlockIndex)
             End If

             For j = 1 To DBlockLen / 2 Step 1
                tstr2 = Mid(Content, CharIndex, 2)
                CharIndex = CharIndex + 2
                SymbolIndex = SymbolIndex + 1
                k = 0
                Do While tstr2 <> SymbolCharC(k)
                   k = k + 1
                WeightSum = WeightSum + SymbolIndex * SymbolValue(k)
                ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(k)
             Next j

             If DBlockMod2 <> 0 Then ' switch to B, encode 1 char
                PrevSw = Asw
                SymbolIndex = SymbolIndex + 1
                WeightSum = WeightSum + SymbolIndex * SymbolValue(100) 'switch b
                ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(100)

                'CharIndex = CharIndex + 1
                SymbolIndex = SymbolIndex + 1
                tstr1 = Mid(Content, CharIndex, 1)
                k = 0
                Do While tstr1 <> SymbolCharB(k)
                   k = k + 1
                WeightSum = WeightSum + SymbolIndex * SymbolValue(k)
                ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(k)
                CharIndex = CharIndex + 1 'this is a bug fix. Without it, it will add extra number after a longer digit block.
             End If

          Else 'alpha in B mode
             Select Case BlockIndex
             Case Is = 1
             '   PrevSw = Asw
                WeightSum = SymbolValue(104) ' start-b
                ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(104)
             Case Else
                If PrevSw <> Asw Then
                   SymbolIndex = SymbolIndex + 1
                   WeightSum = WeightSum + SymbolIndex * SymbolValue(100) 'switch b
                   ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(100)

                End If
             End Select
             PrevSw = Asw

             For j = CharIndex To CharIndex + BlockLen(BlockIndex) - 1 Step 1
                tstr1 = Mid(Content, j, 1)
                SymbolIndex = SymbolIndex + 1
                k = 0
                Do While tstr1 <> SymbolCharB(k)
                   k = k + 1
                WeightSum = WeightSum + SymbolIndex * SymbolValue(k)
                ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(k)
             Next j
             CharIndex = j

          End If
       Next BlockIndex
       ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(SymbolValue(WeightSum Mod 103))
       ContentString = ContentString + SymbolString(106)
       ContentString = ContentString + Tbar_Symbol

    End If

       If MaxWidth > 0 And Len(ContentString) * LineWeight * XmmTopt > MaxWidth Then
          LineWeight = MaxWidth / (Len(ContentString) * XmmTopt)
          LineWeight = LineWeight / XCompRatio
       End If

    'Barcode drawing
    CurBar = 0

    For i = 1 To Len(ContentString)
        Select Case Mid(ContentString, i, 1)
        Case 0
            CurBar = CurBar + 1
        Case 1
            CurBar = CurBar + 1
            With TargetSheet.Shapes.AddLine(X + (CurBar * LineWeight) * XCompRatio, Y, X + (CurBar * LineWeight) * XCompRatio, (Y + Height)).Line
            .Weight = LineWeight
            .ForeColor.RGB = vbBlack
            End With
        End Select
    Next i

End Sub

Then you can draw the barcode with a function like this

Sub test()
   Code128Generate_v2 0, 5, 15, 1.5, ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet, "0123456789ABCDEFGH", 90
   Code128Generate_v2 154, 0, 8, 0.8, Worksheets("Template"), Worksheets("Template").Cells(2, 3).Value, 90
End Sub

Of course you can also convert the function to a UDF to call it from a formula. I've tested on Excel 2016 on Windows 10 and the output can be read perfectly by barcode readers

This is a sample from the author

There are many alternative ways to draw barcodes:

  • Barcode generator with conditional formatting
  • Barcode generator with INDEX & MATCH from Max Vitzliputzli
  • Barcodes with VLOOKUP from David Barahona
  • Barcodes in Excel with OFFSET from Boko Moko

They're from Pete M.'s Understanding and Creating Barcodes in Excel or you can also watch the online tutorial on Youtube. Instead of drawing objects you'll make the column widths equal to each other and set the background color to black to simulate the bar shape. They're UPC and not code128 but the same principle can be used to draw code128 once you know the rules

In UPC digits are encoded by 7 bits like this

UPC digit

and 1s will be represented as black in the output

UPC code sample

This way you don't even need VBA because everything can be calculated in pure Excel formulas, but it'll take much more effort. The result is also huge, but just zoom out or resize the columns and you'll be fine

You can use Word as a background application to generate a barcode without special libraries or fonts or a ridiculously huge amount of code.

Dim ShapeName As String
Dim RowLoc as Integer
RowLoc = 1
Const BarcodeWidth As Integer = 175 'sets the image width too small will cut off the end of the barcode
Dim ws As Worksheet, WdApp
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set WdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
ShapeName = ActiveSheet.Cells(RowLoc, 1) 'pulls the barcode number off the sheet used to generate the code and name the shape after it's on the page

With WdApp.Documents.Add
    .PageSetup.RightMargin = .PageSetup.PageWidth - .PageSetup.LeftMargin - BarcodeWidth 'sets up the object
    .Fields.Add(Range:=.Range, Type:=-1, Text:="DISPLAYBARCODE " & ShapeName & " CODE128 \d \t", PreserveFormatting:=False).Copy 'copies the barcode image into the clipboard
    '.Fields.Add(Range:=.Range, Type:=-1, Text:="DISPLAYBARCODE " & ShapeName & " QR \q 3", PreserveFormatting:=False).Copy 'used if you want a QR code instead
End With
Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(RowLoc, 1).Select                                                'selects the location where the bar code will be pasted
ws.PasteSpecial Format:="Picture (Enhanced Metafile)", Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False 'Pastes the bar code at the current selection