Changed project name in Xcode causing naming error

Check the product name in build settings and make sure everywhere it is Myapp. If that is done,

  • Close your project -> go to finder.
  • Right click on your .xcodeproject file and click on show package contents.
  • Then right click on your project.pbxproj and open it in some text editor.
  • Then search for Myapp-temp-caseinsensitive-rename and manually rename it.
  • Save it after changing and then reopen the project.

Make sure you have taken a back up of your project before doing this.

I had a similar issue, but it only affected a Target that got affixed with "case-insensitive-rename". If you have a similar situation, just do the following (using XCode 5):

1) click on your project in the left. 2) expand to see all your targets by clicking the tiny button

step 2 - tiny expand button

3) rename affected Target(s).

step 3 - rename

4) Save project. Then for OCD brownie points, open your project in a text editor and do a ctrl-f for any "insensitive" or similar to ensure everything's resolved.

None of these worked for me, I found this post and it worked, and it was the simplest. So I guess the solution depends on how you got yourself in the mess in the first place :)

-temp-caseinsensitive-rename in Bundle Identifier

Go to project -> Build Settings -> Search "Packaging" and change the product name key.

If that does not work, repeat but within your target, so Targets -> YourApp -> Build Settings -> Search "Packaging"
