Default to using small med packs in Dead Space 3?

I'm playing Dead Space 3 on PC and every time I hit Q to use a medpack, it seems to use the largest one I have. However, I've got a bunch of small medpacks taking up space.

Is it possible to change the default behavior to use a small med back first?

In Dead Space, pressing the "quick-heal" button automatically uses the smallest Med Pack in the player's inventory, while in Dead Space 2 and 3, it uses the medium Med Pack if two or more health bars are missing and the small one if only one bar is missing; the large Pack is selected only if it is the only one remaining, it must be used manually otherwise.

directly from the dead space wiki:

Though I never figured out how to change the medpack quick heal uses, I did discover I could manually use the smallest med packs from my inventory screen. This allowed me to save my med/large medpacks for points when I really needed them.