Can not connect to share (system error 1272)

Solution 1:

Most of the current answers work by lowering the security on the client side. It is not enforcing the restriction in Windows 10 / Windows Server that was added for security purposes - it requires adjusting each of your clients.

A different approach is to raise the security on the server side and remove any mapping to guest accounts, which is the main issue


   client min protocol = SMB3
   client max protocol = SMB3
   restrict anonymous = 2
   encrypt passwords = true


  • the map to guest option (which I had as bad user)
  • any 'guest ok' line in your smbd.conf

restart samba and you'll be prompted for a username/password instead.

Solution 2:

The answer by dude solved this issue for me.

Here's the relevant text from the "Guest access in SMB2 disabled by default" article

If you want to enable insecure guest access, you can configure the following Group Policy settings:

Computer configuration\administrative templates\network\Lanman Workstation "Enable insecure guest logons"

Note By enabling insecure guest logons, this setting reduces the security of Windows clients.

You can get to the group policy manager by running


Here's a screenshot of the setting in the ui Microsoft Group Policy Tool

Solution 3:

Maybe it's a problem with your group policy settings: