How do I change the Alt + Tab task switcher window to show more applications?

I run many apps concurrently and use Alt + Tab constantly. In fact, I prefer Alt + Tab to having multiple monitors. I mean, come on, you can only look at one thing at a time and this way I don't have to turn my head :-)

I recently installed Windows 7 and on my previous machine I had modified the Task Switcher window to show more icons without scrolling, but I cannot remember how. Do you?

Solution 1:

Changing the number of icons show in the task-switcher involves editing a couple of registry entries. They are:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\CoolSwitchColumns
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\CoolSwitchRows

Windows XP users can also use the Microsoft TweakUI Power Toy to make this change.
This informations was found on this site.

Solution 2:

Another alternative to Windows own task switcher could be TorkilsTaskSwitcher.

TorkilsTaskSwitcher is a utility, which provides an alternative, replacement or supplement to Windows' Alt-Tab invoked task switcher. Particularly for keyboard enthusiasts.