Switch between instances of apps in full screen?

I can use command tab to switch between apps, and command tilde to switch between windows of the same app (for example, a regular window and an incognito window of Chrome).

However, when I full screen a window of Chrome, I lose the ability to switch between windows of the same app with command tilde. I also cannot switch back to it with command tab.

What I want is to be able to full screen all windows in all apps, and still be able to switch between apps and windows with the keyboard. How can I do this?

A bonus method if you want to do this entirely with trackpad instead: I forgot to mention that HyperSwitch also adds this functionality into the mac's built in CMD+Tab app switcher.

enter image description here

You need to enable the setting in HyperSwitch to display window previews on the app switcher.

enter image description here

Again, using BetterTouchTool, I used a trackpad gesture to trigger the application switcher. This BetterTouchTool gesture makes the switcher stay open until you click on something, so you can switch windows entirely with trackpad.

you would need to create a new instance of the application via terminal:

In general it is simply :

open -a 'application' -n

But for Google Chrome it is:

/Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --user-data-dir=my-profile-dir

that gives you the ability to switch between two windows in full screen mode that are completely seperate from each other. But i requires some sort of new user, also discussed here on SuperUser : https://superuser.com/questions/415531/how-can-i-have-multiple-browsing-sessions-in-google-chrome

And regarding the ability to switch the full screen-Apps: You know that you can switch between them with CTRL+Arrows (Left+Right = Switching Application) (Up + Down = Overview) ?

I know this post is old, but I came across it in Google when I was looking for a solution myself. Maybe someone else will look here too. I have found an answer by using the free app Hyperswitch

enter image description here

enter image description here

This engages a window switcher (fullscreen instances included) using cmd+`

It operates the same way as the normal mac cmd+tab app switcher. I also went to System Preferences--Keyboard and redefined the Mac OS "move focus to next window" command to Cmd + Shift + `

Then I tied that Cmd + Shift + ` keystroke to a trackpad gesture using BetterTouchTool. This allows me to also retain that "move focus to next window" functionality.

Here is Hyperswitch: bahoom.com/hyperswitch

Here is BetterTouchTool: www.boastr.net/downloads/