See you~What does it mean?

What does see you means? Is it bidding goodbye or saying that I am coming soon to meet u...means I am on my way to meet u? Does it has two meanings?

Solution 1:

As a stock phrase "See ya!" does in fact mean "Goodbye!"

Variations include "Be seeing you" and "See you again soon. " It is a warmly connoted bidding of farewell.

It is related to Auf Weidersehen- literally "until (I/we) see (you/each other) again"

I suppose one could also see it as short for "I see you," a game one plays with a baby (peek-a-boo) but the farewell is by far the more common case.

Solution 2:

There are numerous statements made when departing that include phrases that suggest the parties will meet again. This is a form of expressing a bond with someone who is more than a stranger. The speaker is indicating that she wants to see the other person another time.

The example you offer, See you, means

I hope [or intend] to see you on another occasion.

Many other similar departure statements (which can be made by the person leaving, the person being left or both) include

  • until we meet again
  • be seeing you
  • until next time
  • au revoir
  • auf wiedersehen
  • later
  • goodbye for now
  • ta ta for now

Many of the words in such statements may be replaced by colloquial or slang variants, such as ya for you, bye for goodbye, and 'til for until.