what is the term when the kingdom ruler changes through an assassination

In the ancient times ,there was periods they changes the ruler of a kingdom or empire by assassination him .
what do we call that? changing the king in a quick time through assassination? do we call it a coup ? overthrown ?
Then, what is the term when the army take a step and take the command of the empire or kingdom and throw the king in jail.

Solution 1:

The transition period from one ruler to another is often referred to as a succession period.

In a period where there is a rapid succession of rulers, you are indicating that the turnover rate at the top, for whatever reason, is swift.

The means by which a succession is forced - be it by ouster (generic term for any overthrow), coup (typically via a military overthrow, short for coup d-etat), or assassination (referring to the killing of the leader) - is irrelevant to the idea of a rapid succession or a series of successions. An ouster or a coup begins at the moment the leader is no longer in charge.

When Oliver Cromwell overthrew King Charles II, for example, the ouster began the day the King abdicated. When he was executed, the regicide was complete. To claim he was assassinated would be an overreach. He was executed after a trial, not assassinated. Had he been killed in battle, it would be referred to as such and called out as such. In contrast, if the leader is murdered without due process, it is an assassination.