Is it possible to send an array with the Postman Chrome extension?

Solution 1:

You need to suffix your variable name with [] like this:


If that doesn't work, try not putting indexes in brackets:

my_array[]  value1
my_array[]  value2


  • If you are using the postman packaged app, you can send an array by selecting raw / json (instead of form-data). Also, make sure to set Content-Type as application/json in Headers tab. Here is example for raw data {"user_ids": ["123" "233"]}, don't forget the quotes!

  • If you are using the postman REST client you have to use the method I described above because passing data as raw (json) won't work. There is a bug in the postman REST client (At least I get the bug when I use

Solution 2:

For me did not work with array[0], array1, .. or array[], array[], ... . It works more simply: enter image description here

Solution 3:

Here is my solution:

use form-data and edit as below:

Key       Value 
box[]      a
box[n1]    b
box[n2][]  c
box[n2][]  d

and you will get an array like this:
