Lubuntu Installer Giving Error after Partition creation "YOUR SYSTEM MAY OR MAY NOT BOOT "

Solution 1:

The Lubuntu manual page can be found at

I won't repeat what's listed there, and I'm writing this as I complete a QA-test install of groovy using today's daily.

I've performed two QA-test installs on this box in the last hour which resulted in the following partitions ; details viewed in KDE Partition Manager

  • /dev/sda1 fat32 300mb EFI
  • /dev/sda2 ext4 74gb ext4 (initial full disk install)
  • /dev/sda3 ext4 45gb ext4 (install alongside testcase)

I'm going to erase that anyway.

Start calamares (the installer used by Lubuntu) Opt for Manual Partitioning.. and create new partition table (GPT)

Creating partitions looks like enter image description here

sda1: EFI

  • I create a 512MB EFI partition (larger than default; I've had issues on some boxes with smaller so I've increased size since)
  • Select mount point as /boot/efi
  • click both BIOS-GRUB & BOOT options in the flag section.

sda2: /

  • I create a ext4 partition with rest of disk space (where I'll install to).
  • Select mount point as /
  • I click both options available BIOS-GRUB & BOOT in the flag section too

I don't believe I need to select both options for both, but both those options I find easier to remember & work, so I just do that.

Click next, following prompts (giving my username, hostname etc) and reboot when it tells me to. Eject my thumb-drive when told to, and reboot into my freshly installed Lubuntu groovy system.

I login, test the system & update my QA-test entry report on I'm using groovy as it's useful for a QA-test (a little early for me to be thinking about 20.04.2) but it'll be identical to a focal install.