Just installed ubuntu 14.04 but after restart it wont boot

At the very top of boot repair info you posted it says you have two disks

  1. /dev/sda (apparently your hard drive)
  2. /dev/sdb (apparently your USB stick)

/dev/sda has an EFI boot partition and /dev/sdb has an MBR boot loader.

Check boot device

Boot your computer and go to BIOS by pressing one of:

  • F1
  • F2
  • DEL
  • ESC
  • F10

And make sure you are booting from your hard disk.

Check EFI partition

According to Ubuntu UEFI documentation, the EFI System partition should have a 'boot' flag. According to the boot repair info you posted, your partition does not have it.

To fix: boot from Live USB and run gparted. From there you can edit your partition table and add the 'boot' flag.