Print to standard printer from Python?

Solution 1:

This has only been tested on Windows:

You can do the following:

import os

os.startfile("C:/Users/TestFile.txt", "print")

This will start the file, in its default opener, with the verb 'print', which will print to your default printer.Only requires the os module which comes with the standard library

Solution 2:

Unfortunately, there is no standard way to print using Python on all platforms. So you'll need to write your own wrapper function to print.

You need to detect the OS your program is running on, then:

For Linux -

import subprocess
lpr =  subprocess.Popen("/usr/bin/lpr", stdin=subprocess.PIPE)

For Windows:

More resources:

Print PDF document with python's win32print module?

How do I print to the OS's default printer in Python 3 (cross platform)?

Solution 3:

To print to any printer on the network you can send a PJL/PCL print job directly to a network printer on port 9100.

Please have a look at the below link that should give a good start:

Also, If there is a way to call Windows cmd you can use FTP put to print your page on 9100. Below link should give you details, I have used this method for HP printers but I believe it will work for other printers.