How do I return multiple result sets with SqlCommand?

Can I execute multiple queries and return their results executing a SqlCommand just once?

See SqlDataReader.NextResult (an SqlDataReader is returned from calling SqlCommand.ExecuteReader):

Advances the data reader to the next result [set], when reading the results of batch Transact-SQL statements.


string commandText = @"SELECT Id, ContactId
FROM dbo.Subscriptions;

SELECT Id, [Name]
FROM dbo.Contacts;";

List<Subscription> subscriptions = new List<Subscription>();
List<Contact> contacts = new List<Contact>();

using (SqlConnection dbConnection = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=server;Database=database;Integrated Security=true;"))
    using (SqlCommand dbCommand = dbConnection.CreateCommand())
        dbCommand.CommandText = commandText;
        using(SqlDataReader reader = dbCommand.ExecuteReader())
                subscriptions.Add(new Subscription()
                    Id = (int)reader["Id"],
                    ContactId = (int)reader["ContactId"]

            // this advances to the next resultset 

                contacts.Add(new Contact()
                    Id = (int)reader["Id"],
                    Name = (string)reader["Name"]

Other examples:

  • C# Multiple Result Sets
  • Executing a Query That Returns Multiple Result Sets with SqlDataReader : SqlCommand Select « ADO.Net « C# / CSharp Tutorial

Create a Stored Procedure that has multiple selects, and fill the DataSet.

using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connection))
    DataSet dataset = new DataSet();
    SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
    adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand("MyProcedure", conn);
    adapter.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    return dataset;

The returned dataset will have a DataTable in it's Tables array for each select in the stored procedure.

Tools like "dapper" make this very easy, regardless of whether you use ad-hoc text queries or stored procedures; for example:

using(var multi = conn.QueryMultiple(sql, args))
    var customers = multi.Read<Customer>().AsList(); // first grid
    var regionName = multi.ReadFirstOrDefault<string>(); // second grid
    var addresses = multi.Read<Address>().AsList(); // third grid
    // todo: use those things

Individual grids can also be read without buffering (as an open IEnumerable<T> over the reader itself) via the optional parameters to Read[<T>].

I call a sproc and get multiple result sets with object, so you end up with a

List<List<Dictionary<string, object>>>

In the multiResultsSet each results set is then

List<Dictionary<string, object>>

They can be cast to their types and transformed into the models as needed.

After you set up the sproc command with everything needed, pass it to this:

    private static List<List<Dictionary<string, object>>> ProcessReader(SqlCommand command)
        var tables = new List<List<Dictionary<string, object>>>();
        using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                var table = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();
                while (reader.Read())
            } while (reader.NextResult());
        return tables;

and Read() is fairly straight forward.

    private static Dictionary<string, object> Read(IDataRecord reader)
        var row = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        for (var i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
            var val = reader[i];
            row[reader.GetName(i)] = val == DBNull.Value ? null : val;
        return row;