How can I print to the same line?

Format your string like so:

[#                    ] 1%\r

Note the \r character. It is the so-called carriage return that will move the cursor back to the beginning of the line.

Finally, make sure you use


and not


In Linux, there is different escape sequences for control terminal. For example, there is special escape sequence for erase whole line: \33[2K and for move cursor to previous line: \33[1A. So all you need is to print this every time you need to refresh the line. Here is the code which prints Line 1 (second variant):

System.out.println("Line 1 (first variant)");
System.out.println("Line 1 (second variant)");

There are codes for cursor navigation, clearing screen and so on.

I think there are some libraries which helps with it (ncurses?).

First, I'd like to apologize for bringing this question back up, but I felt that it could use another answer.

Derek Schultz is kind of correct. The '\b' character moves the printing cursor one character backwards, allowing you to overwrite the character that was printed there (it does not delete the entire line or even the character that was there unless you print new information on top). The following is an example of a progress bar using Java though it does not follow your format, it shows how to solve the core problem of overwriting characters (this has only been tested in Ubuntu 12.04 with Oracle's Java 7 on a 32-bit machine, but it should work on all Java systems):

public class BackSpaceCharacterTest
    // the exception comes from the use of accessing the main thread
    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException
            Notice the user of print as opposed to println:
            the '\b' char cannot go over the new line char.
        System.out.print("Start[          ]");
        System.out.flush(); // the flush method prints it to the screen

        // 11 '\b' chars: 1 for the ']', the rest are for the spaces
        Thread.sleep(500); // just to make it easy to see the changes

        for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            System.out.print("."); //overwrites a space

        System.out.print("] Done\n"); //overwrites the ']' + adds chars

You could print the backspace character '\b' as many times as necessary to delete the line before printing the updated progress bar.

package org.surthi.tutorial.concurrency;

public class IncrementalPrintingSystem {
    public static void main(String...args) {
        new Thread(()-> {
           int i = 0;
           while(i++ < 100) {
               int j=0;
                  System.out.print(" ");
               System.out.print("] : "+ i+"%");
               try {
               } catch (InterruptedException e) {