CA Siteminder Installation - "super user could not be saved in the policy store"

Solution 1:

Try running through smldapsetup and import the base objects:

smldapsetup reg -h<host> -p<port> -d<admindn> -w<adminpw> -r<root> -f<ldif> [-t<tool>] [-ssl<1|0> -c<certdb>] [-v]


  1. smldapsetup reg -h10.10.10.10 -p11411 -d"cn=directory manager" -wpassword -rdc=netegrity,dc=com
  2. smldapsetup ldgen -ftest.txt (This command generates the test.txt file)
  3. smldapsetup ldmod -ftest.txt (This command uses the test.txt file that was generated in step 2.)

Import SM Objects:

smobjimport -i<input_filename> [-f] [-c -d<adminname> -w<adminpw>] [-k] [-u] [-m] [-r] [-4] [-l] [-v] [-t] [-a1] [-a2]


  1. smobjimport -f -i"C:\Program Files\Netegrity\SiteMinder\Db\SMdif\smpolicy.smdif" -v smobjimport.log