According to Multiprocess Firefox on MDN, Firefox 57 finally runs things in different processes.

So is Firefox 57 multithreaded?

In particular, how many cores does it use at most? Say I open 20 tabs at once on a quad-core machine, will Firefox 57 launch as many threads, or at least as many as needed to max out my CPU?

(Chromium for instance spawns a number of sub-processes and very easily uses all the resources available. Firefox up to 56 in GNU/Linux is rarely seen going over 135 % of one core however many tabs I open.)

Solution 1:

Is Firefox 57 multithreaded?

Yes, and it is configurable as well.

You may see 3 or more processes running in the Task Manager

  • one process for the main Firefox window (user interface)
  • one or more processes for content threads set via "Options/Preferences -> General -> Performance" (dom.ipc.processCount), default in 57 is 4.
  • one process for the compositor thread (Windows)
  • one process for Quantum CSS (Stylo)

Source Why is Firefox Quantum running 7 instances?

Further Reading

  • Change how many processes multi-process Firefox uses
  • "E10S-Multi:" A new multi-process model for Firefox