Ubuntu 20.04 Font and UI elements too big on login

I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 on an ASUS X99-E-10G WS w/ an NVIDIA 1080Ti and an LG 4k 32" monitor which persistently gets recognized as 27".

When I log in, the text of certain UI elements is ~2x the normal size. After I go to settings/universal access and turn large text on and then off again, everything is the normal size I expect.

Screenshot after logging in Screenshot after logging in

After turning "large text" on After turning "large text" on

After turning "large text" off After turning "large text" off

How do I get the conditions I have after cycling the "large text" feature to be present immediately after booting?

I have the 440 version of NVIDIA's drivers installed.

Solution 1:

Looks like this bug affects a few of us with nVidia card, but with Intel GPU as well. There is an open bug thread already here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/1892440

A temporary fix mentioned in comment #17 fixed the issue for me, until the fix will come out. Simply donwgrade libmutter package and put it on hold.

sudo apt install libmutter-6-0=3.36.1-3ubuntu3 gir1.2-mutter-6=3.36.1-3ubuntu3
sudo apt-mark hold libmutter-6-0