Brightness controls are not working in sony vaio with amd radeon hd 7650

Solution 1:

I found the solution:

  1. Download the amd radeon driver from here
  2. Run terminal and tupesudo apt-get install linux-headers-3.5.0-17-generic
  3. Go to directory where you have downloaded the zip file of driver which might be /home/your_username/Downloads. Extract the zip file there. You will see a .run file.
  4. Run command: sudo sh
  5. It will open the installer window. Now install the driver. After finishing it will ask you to reboot but don't.
  6. Open a new terminal and type: sudo amdconfig --initial
  7. Now reboot your system. Your brightness control will work fine.

Solution 2:

In case if you use radeon graphics this may help you

echo 200 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/radeon_bl0/brightness