All tabs groups lost after updating to Firefox 57.0 Quantum

All tabs groups lost after updating to Firefox 57.0 Quantum

I need to get back not only the open tabs (within the "active" group of tabs) but the rest of them (the ones that were open in "inactive" groups of tabs), which were more than 60 tabs

Is there any way to recover them?

I have restored my tabs from inactive groups by installing the Sync Tab Groups extension.

If you're a Ubuntu user, or similar, you should be able to find the latest backup at

~/.mozilla/firefox/ro51nwle.default/sessionstore-backups/upgrade.jsonlz4-[timestamp of upgrade]

I didn't know anything about the file format, but this gist was basically enough to get me started

With the gist saved to the backup folder, you can export to json with:

$ sudo pip3 install lz4
$ python3 ./ -d upgrade.jsonlz4-[timestamp of backup] backup.js

There's a lot of data in there (including each tab's entire history) but at least it's not lost!

If you just want to save the most recent url from each tab like I did, something like the following python should do the job:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import json

with open('backup.js') as infile:
    read_data =

json_data = json.loads(read_data)

tab_groups = json.loads(json_data['windows'][0]['extData']['tabview-group'])

groups = {int(k): {'title': tab_groups[k]['title'], 'tabs': []} for k in tab_groups.keys()}

for tab in json_data['windows'][0]['tabs']:
    url = tab['entries'][-1]['url']
    group_id = json.loads(tab['extData']['tabview-tab'])['groupID']

with open('tabs_backup.json', 'w') as outfile:
    json.dump(groups, outfile, indent=4)

If you're freaking out about losing your tabs, and simply want quick assurance that they're not gone forever, the easiest thing is to install the Tree-Style Tabs extension, as suggested by @trrocket. I can verify that after installing it, I was able to find the "lost" tabs in the sidebar.

That said, I just hope that I didn't miss out on any tabs. (If I can't tell the difference maybe it doesn't matter all that much... :P) I have also backed up my sessionstore files, and will take my time to process them to verify that I have indeed recovered all my tabs.

PS: All credit to @trrocket, but I thought it was was worth putting this as an answer instead of having someone panic on looking at the other answer, without reading the comments. +1 to @trrocket :-)

Another option is to close Firefox, downgrade to Firefox 56, and restart Firefox. Your tab groups should be restored. At this point, you may save your tabs in a Firefox 57-safe way and upgrade to Firefox 57 again.

I had this problem too and found the following solution:

  1. Click on the menu at the top right of the browser (indicated by three horizontal bars)

  2. Click on the option to restore previous session (should be towards the top of the menu)

  3. All of your pre-quantum tabs should be carried over.