Finding all combinations of well-formed brackets

Solution 1:

Took a crack at it.. C# also.

public void Brackets(int n) {
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        Brackets("", 0, 0, i);

private void Brackets(string output, int open, int close, int pairs) {
    if((open==pairs)&&(close==pairs)) {
    } else {
            Brackets(output + "(", open+1, close, pairs);
            Brackets(output + ")", open, close+1, pairs);

The recursion is taking advantage of the fact that you can never add more opening brackets than the desired number of pairs, and you can never add more closing brackets than opening brackets..

Solution 2:

Python version of the first voted answer.

def foo(output, open, close, pairs):
    if open == pairs and close == pairs:
        print output
        if open<pairs:
            foo(output+'(', open+1, close, pairs)
        if close<open:
            foo(output+')', open, close+1, pairs)

foo('', 0, 0, 3)

Solution 3:

The number of possible combinations is the Catalan number of N pairs C(n).

This problem was discussed on the forums pretty exentsively including iterative, recursive and iterative/bitshifting solutions. Some pretty cool stuff there.

Here is a quick recursive solution suggested on the forums in C#:


public void Brackets(int pairs) {
    if (pairs > 1) Brackets(pairs - 1);
    char[] output = new char[2 * pairs];

    output[0] = '(';
    output[1] = ')';

    foo(output, 1, pairs - 1, pairs, pairs);

public void foo(char[] output, int index, int open, int close,
        int pairs) {
    int i;

    if (index == 2 * pairs) {
        for (i = 0; i < 2 * pairs; i++)

    if (open != 0) {
        output[index] = '(';
        foo(output, index + 1, open - 1, close, pairs);

    if ((close != 0) && (pairs - close + 1 <= pairs - open)) {
        output[index] = ')';
        foo(output, index + 1, open, close - 1, pairs);



(()) ()()
((())) (()()) (())() ()(()) ()()()

Solution 4:


Here is a solution that, unlike my previous solution, I believe may be correct. Also, it is more efficient.


let brackets2 n =
    let result = new System.Collections.Generic.List<_>()
    let a = Array.create (n*2) '_'
    let rec helper l r diff i =
        if l=0 && r=0 then
            result.Add(new string(a))
            if l > 0 then
                a.[i] <- '('
                helper (l-1) r (diff+1) (i+1)
            if diff > 0 then
                a.[i] <- ')'
                helper l (r-1) (diff-1) (i+1)
    helper n n 0 0


(brackets2 4) |> Seq.iter (printfn "%s")


Solution 5:

Here's another F# solution, favoring elegance over efficiency, although memoization would probably lead to a relatively well performing variant.

let rec parens = function
| 0 -> [""]
| n -> [for k in 0 .. n-1 do
        for p1 in parens k do
        for p2 in parens (n-k-1) ->
          sprintf "(%s)%s" p1 p2]

Again, this only yields a list of those strings with exactly n pairs of parens (rather than at most n), but it's easy to wrap it.