jQuery click anywhere in the page except on 1 div

You can apply click on body of document and cancel click processing if the click event is generated by div with id menu_content, This will bind event to single element and saving binding of click with every element except menu_content

       if(evt.target.id == "menu_content")
       //For descendants of menu_content being clicked, remove this check if you do not want to put constraint on descendants.

      //Do processing of click event here for every element except with id menu_content


See the documentation for jQuery Event Target. Using the target property of the event object, you can detect where the click originated within the #menu_content element and, if so, terminate the click handler early. You will have to use .closest() to handle cases where the click originated in a descendant of #menu_content.


    // Check if click was triggered on or within #menu_content
    if( $(e.target).closest("#menu_content").length > 0 ) {
        return false;

    // Otherwise
    // trigger your click function

try this

 $('html').click(function() {
 //your stuf


you can also use the outside events

I know that this question has been answered, And all the answers are nice. But I wanted to add my two cents to this question for people who have similar (but not exactly the same) problem.

In a more general way, we can do something like this:

    if(!$(evt.target).is('#menu_content')) {
        //event handling code

This way we can handle not only events fired by anything except element with id menu_content but also events that are fired by anything except any element that we can select using CSS selectors.

For instance in the following code snippet I am getting events fired by any element except all <li> elements which are descendants of div element with id myNavbar.

    if(!$(evt.target).is('div#myNavbar li')) {
        //event handling code