How to split an mp3 file by detecting silent parts?

You will likely not get a ready-to-go solution but will need to create a script yourself. pydub is made for this (it uses ffmpeg or libav internally) and it has a functions called split_on_silence() with some settings like keep_silence=100.

Some references from stackoverflow that have examples: 37725416 and 45526996 And from the creator of pydub.

From the 1st link the interesting part:

# Load your audio.
song = AudioSegment.from_mp3("your_audio.mp3")

chunks = split_on_silence (
   # Use the loaded audio. 
   # Specify that a silent chunk must be at least 2 seconds or 2000 ms long.
   min_silence_len = 2000,
   # Consider a chunk silent if it's quieter than -16 dBFS.
   # (You may want to adjust this parameter.)
   silence_thresh = -16

You can do this manually with ffmpeg, and of course it can all be scripted if you prefer.

Get silent timestamps

Get silence with the silencedetect filter:

ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -af silencedetect -f null -
  • Note the default minimum length for silence is set to 2 seconds, but it can be adjusted. See ffmpeg -h filter=silencedetect.

  • There is also a silenceremove filter.

Example output using awk:

$ ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -af silencedetect=d=0.5 -f null - |& awk '/silencedetect/ {print $4,$5}'
silence_start: 1.20837
silence_end: 1.92546
silence_start: 3.51778
silence_end: 4.0881
silence_start: 6.40315
silence_end: 7.7922


There are a few methods to split.

segment muxer

Example of splitting with the segment muxer:

ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -f segment -segment_times 1.20837,1.92546,3.51778,4.0881,6.40315,7.7922 -reset_timestamps 1 -map 0:a -c:a copy output_%03d.mp3
  • You will need to delete the silent segments. You could perform a Bash loop on the output files, use silencedetect to find these segments, then delete/move them if you want to script that process.

  • Note the use of -c:a copy which enables stream copy mode so your MP3 does not get re-encoded to avoid generation loss.

-ss and -t or -to

Using these options will omit the silent segments but is more work to make the commands:

ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -to 1.20837 -c copy output_01.mp3
ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -ss 1.92546 -to 3.51778 -c copy output_02.mp3

…and so on.

Or do it in one command:

ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -to 1.20837 -c copy output_01.mp3 -ss 1.92546 -to 3.51778 -c copy output_02.mp3

As in the segment muxer command this also uses stream copy.

mp3splt is a command for splitting mp3s and I believe mp3splt has a silence detector (among other methods of detection)... without re-encoding. To install:

sudo apt install mp3splt

Usage using Silence mode (-s):

mp3splt -s your.mp3

Mp3splt will try to automatically detect splitpoints with silence detection and will split all tracks found with default parameters.


mp3splt -s -p th=-50,nt=10 your.mp3

passing desired parameters, splitting 10 tracks (or less if too much) with the most probable silence points at a threshold of -50 dB.

Get the timings by playing clip that you want to cut, I generally do long video clips that I want to trim or to cut out parts of the clip. It can be trimed by using video editing software, but these will typically also recompress the file on export. This reduces the quality of the video, and it also takes a long time. a solution is to perform zero loss cutting is there in ubuntu, in ubuntu there is a way to do this with FFmpeg :

example :

ffmpeg -i Myclip.mp4 -ss 00:15:10 -to 00:09:10 -c:v copy -c:a copy output.mp4

above will cut clip from about 0h10min10s to 0h09min0s, and this takes few seconds to complete.