Reset USB via batch?

I'm running Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64-bit v.1903

Microsoft's devcon might be what you are looking for however it might not be worth the work. You have to find the specific hardware or instance ID for each device which takes time. It works in Windows XP 32-bit thru Windows 10 64-bit, it works in a batch file, it works as a shortcut, and it might not solve your problem. It must be run with admin privileges.

To remove my Sandisk flash drive:

devcon64 remove "USBSTOR\DiskSanDisk_Cruzer_Blade____1.00"

To re-enable devices:

devcon64 rescan

To remove my multi-function printer:

devcon64 remove "UMB\VEN_013f&DEV_MFC-L2740DW_series"
devcon64 remove "UMB\VEN_013f&DEV_MFC-L2740DW_series"
devcon64 remove "BrotherMFC-L2740DW_sC68C"

You can learn more about devcon here. If you don't want to install WDK, Visual Studio, or the Windows SDK you can download 64-bit devcon here, 32-bit here.

To find the hardware or instance id you use the device manager.

To find the hardware id of my Sandisk flash drive: device-manager

Type devcon64 help for more info.