Is it possible to uninstall Bash on Ubuntu on Windows, since the latest updates provide a different Ubuntu and SUSE app?

Solution 1:

Running lxrun /uninstall /full in (e.g.) Windows Powershell with administrative privileges will remove Bash on Ubuntu while leaving your new app-based Ubuntu installation untouched.

Solution 2:


wsl --unregister Legacy


I believe Christan Davén's answer just removes the shortcut from the start menu, but does not actually remove the WSL (you will still be able to run the WSL by executing C:\Windows\System32\bash.exe and find all of your files and installed apps as you left them).

Silviu's answer is correct. However, if you've upgraded to the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update the lxrun /uninstall /full command will not be available anymore and you should instead run wsl --unregister Legacy.

A third option is to run wslconfig /u Legacy (try this if you are not using Windows Version 1903 or higher).
