PowerShell: How do I append a prefix to all files in a directory?
Currently I'm using cmdlets like:
dir | rename-item -NewName {$_.name -replace "-","_"}
But now I need to add a prefix to the filename for all files in the directory.
I can't predict how long each filename is (it varies), so I can't just use a bunch of .
I need it to append a fixed phrase to the beginning of each filename, regardless what that filename is.
Solution 1:
An alternative approach to a regular expression would be to use simple string operations to create the new file name.
$items | Rename-Item -NewName { "Prefix_" + $_.Name };
Solution 2:
You are quite near.
uses RegEX and in a Regular Expression you anchor at the beginning with a^
- for a suffix you can similarly replace the anchor at line end with
- to avoid any possible re-iteration of the renamed file enclose the first element of the pipeline in parentheses.
(Get-ChildItem -File) | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.Name -replace "^","Prefix_"}
Solution 3:
To remove prefix of all in folder:
Get-ChildItem 'Folderpath\KB*' | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name -replace 'KB*','' }
To Add a prefix to all in folder:
foreach($item in 'Folderpath')
Get-ChildItem 'C:\Users\ilike\OneDrive\Desktop\All in one script\Single Patch here' | Rename-Item -NewName { "KB" + $_.Name }
Took a while, hope this can help others in need