How to uninstall expired Kasperksky without required password?

Solution 1:

  1. Boot in Safe Mode
  2. open regedit

go to Windows 64-bit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KasperskyLab\AVP16.0.1\settings

change EnablePswrdProtect to 0

  1. restart in normal mode
  2. set a new password for Kasperky (require even if you want to uninstall)
  3. uninstall Kasperky

Solution 2:

What you will need to do is run the Kaspersky Anti-Virus remover. Please follow the steps below.

  1. IMPORTANT: Please create a restore point on your system before using the tool by following these instructions:

    • Windows 7 & Vista:

    • Windows 8/8.1: On the Start screen type restore point -> Click 'Create a Restore Point' -> Click 'Create' -> name the restore point Before KAV Remover.

  2. Please use KAV remover to remove the Kaspersky product which was not removed with the steps above:

    Download the Kaspersky removal tool from:

    Choose the option to 'Save' the file, do not choose Run. Save it to a location that is easy for you to find; e.g.: your desktop. Follow the opening process of KAV and select the Kaspersky product you have installed, type in the Captcha code and continue to uninstall the Kaspersky product.

(Tips of the trade when working for Kaspersky!)


Solution 3:

You could try the following:

  1. Reboot into Safe Mode (hit F8 at startup and select safe mode)
  2. Enter the Kaspersky Program Folder and locate the avp.exe
  3. rename the avp.exe to whatever you desire (i.e. temp.exe)
  4. double-click that exe - the Kaspersky icon should show up on the taskbar at the bottom right screen
  5. right-click that icon and select Settings
  6. Now find the passwort protection and turn it off
  7. Click ok to close the window and restart your computer
  8. Now take the usual steps to uninstall software (control panel -> uninstall programs -> kaspersky and follow the routine)

Solution 4:

Use Revo Uninstaller Software. It will remove entire software from root including registry and log files. URL: