Will it still be possible to play Flash games after support is dropped?

My wife has a couple of flash based games that are from a disc bought at some random store almost two decades ago. The disc is long gone. The games are in a folder in /home, and are played using wine. These games have "moved" from various editions of Ubuntu, starting at 8.04 (previously on her Windows machine). She has never had an issue playing them.

My question is - with everyone dropping flash by the end of this year, can those games still be played when I upgrade her computer to 20.04? Or the next LTS 22.04? Or will these games never be playable in the future?

One doesn't really need wine or "in browser flash" to run flash (.swf) files.

A project named FlashPlayerStandalone allows us to run flash files directly using flashplayer binary.

To run any swf file, you just have to run ./flashplayer mygame.swf in terminal.

You can download the binary from here.

Direct link: https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/updaters/32/flash_player_sa_linux.x86_64.tar.gz

You can keep backup of binaries locally or on cloud in case they are discontinued and removed in future.