Uploading multiple photos onto facebook
I am having difficulties loading multiple photos directly from SD card onto facebook. It works fine when I select one photo at a time. When I select more than one it does not upload the photos into my facebook photo album. I tried loading multiple photos from F-Spot onto facebook but have a similar experience. In both instances it only loads one photo at a time which is extremely time consuming.
Shotwell on Maverick does it auto-magically. Just select your photos, click on Publish, select Facebook and done.
I have found a PPA that will let you install Shotwell 0.72 (Maverick's version) in Lucid.
Someone has created a script that let Nautilus update a bunch of pictures to Facebook. There is small article in OMG! Ubuntu about it.
It's not completely clear /how/ you're uploading the files. Facebook has a Java-based uploader which allows you to not only specify multiple files, but will also locally scale them down before upload for a quick process.
- Make sure Java is installed (sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre and make sure you have the "partner" respository ticked).
- Go to facebook, login.
- Click "Profile"
- Scroll down on till you see the "photos" box on the left pane. Click on the "See All" link.
- Click "Upload photos" to create an album, or click on an existing album, then choose "Add Photos".
- Finally, click on the "Java Uploader" text at the bottom, where it talks about "Troubleshooting".
It shouldn't be this difficult, but Facebook's obtuse interface doesn't make much easy.
I use the Picasa Facebook uploader on my Mac which works great. According to the developer it is not yet ported to linux.
However, I ran into a thread on the Ubuntu forums about using Picasa and Internet Explorer under the same WINE root in order to take advantage of the Picasa Facebook uploader. I haven't tried it yet and the thread is a year old. May be worth taking a look at. http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1093761.html
I use digiKam (a KDE app, though I use Gnome) and under the Export menu you can export to a dozen or so websites, including facebook. Nice and simple. It does a resize before upload aswell, which helps with the time required.