How can I avoid rakk attacks?

Rakk, those bat-like things that serve pain from above, seem to have attacks that are impossible to avoid. Even if I jump at the last second, they still end up somehow scoring a hit on me. Is there a way to dodge their attacks?

Solution 1:

You are playing Borderlands 2, not Hitman: Absolution, last I checked. Nothing in Borderlands 2 should scream STEALTH, rather, it should scream, SHOOT!

Shotguns work great against rakk, as the spread of the pellets allows for almost insta-kills at close range. Trying to use weapons that have higher spreads should allow you to shred through rakk quickly. Avoid using snipers or rocket launchers; rakk move fast, and can easily dodge your attacks.

That said, if you really want to dodge a rakk attack, try strafing to the side and jumping. That usually makes them miss.

Solution 2:

Rakk always attack in a straight line. Pay attention to the mini-map to see where they are in relation to you, then rotate to face their attack. Any rapid-firing weapon should be sufficient to take them down. I've successfully used shotguns, assault rifles, and pistols (both repeaters and revolvers). A well-timed melee attack will also take them down.

If none of these work, you can always equip a shield that provides elemental damage (such as a Maliwan Spike shield). When the rakk hits you, it takes damage, and usually enough to kill it.

Solution 3:

Equip a spike shield which damages all melee attackers, and the Rakks will kill themself when they attack you. Rakks have quite low HP, so when you have a good shield and they aren't too high-level, their first attack will be their last one.