How to spawn the wither

Solution 1:

To spawn a Wither you need to build it like with Golems (Snow and Iron), you need 4 Soul Sand in a T Shape and 3 Wither Skeleton Heads on top of the top 3 Soul Sand Blocks More Info here, when it's made it'll cause an explosion and the fight is on

Solution 2:

As Memor-X said, you can spawn a Wither with 4 Soul Sand and 3 Wither Skeleton Heads.

However, if you desire to spawn the wither by "unlegit" means you can use the command:

/Summon WitherBoss

This instantly spawns a Wither Boss in front of you.

Obviously you have to have commands enabled to use this command.

Solution 3:

Make a T out of 4 pieces of soulsand and place three wither skulls across the top of the T.

This will create a wither. It will charge for a moment then explode, so RUN! Then it will start exploding the land around it so dont do it in your house. Good luck!