I have a service listening on a port, how do I open the port externally?

I have a service that is listening on a tcp port, and it is listed with this command:

>netstat -atp tcp | grep -i "listen"
tcp4       0      0       *.*                    LISTEN          
tcp4       0      0  *.postgresql           *.*                    LISTEN
...and more

but it is not accessible from other computers on the same network, and it is not listed with this command:

5432/tcp open  postgresql

(but e.g. PostgreSQL is listed).

I can access the webserver locally on but not from other computers on the same network. How can I open the port externally?

The Firewall on System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Firewall is Turned Off.

Solution 1:

On MacOS X greater than 10.8, you should allow incoming connections for this application.


System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Firewall > Firewall Options…

click on the +, and select the application to use.