Double title bars/ Two title bars appear in Ubuntu 20.04

Everything was fine till I installed KDE desktop environment too, and that is when this started for me. (I installed KDE, so that i can use dark theme in my KDE apps like Kdenlive and Krita, as they were not available after installing 20.04) Gnome terminal, Nautilus, Ctrl+I, Properties have this problem. Maybe because they don't have such regular title bar by default. But now it is added/enabled because of something, KDE or GNOME extensions did. Did anyone find a solution? Check the image:

screenshots showing Terminal, Nautilus, and a Properties window

You can disable the secondary header as stated here by using:

gsettings set org.gnome.Terminal.Legacy.Settings headerbar false

Log out of your session and log back in for the setting to take effect.

I'm on ubuntu 20.04 LTS and it's works for me

PS: I noticed this after the installing of gnome-flashback