I have a RasPi 4 8gb & want the Ubuntu Studio on it for the editing video tools. I am struggling big time to get this [duplicate]

Solution 1:

I don't believe Ubuntu Studio is by default available for Raspberry Pi.

Here's why:

  1. The official System Requirements lists Intel processors (or equivalent) as a requirement (reference).

    Required: Recommended:
    CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo equivalent Intel Core i5 equivalent or better
    RAM: 2GB 8GB
    Drive Space: 16GB 64GB, more for audio/video work
  2. Ubuntu Studio might rely on the "low-latency" kernel variant (included in the installation image), which is by default not released for Raspberry Pi.

I'm not saying it's impossible to build Ubuntu Studio for Raspberry Pi, but I don't see it being available out of the box.

However, after digging through the packages, it actually looks like the packages for Ubuntu Studio are available on all platforms, including Arm64 (with reference to N0rbert's comment above).

This poses an interesting idea - is it in fact possible to install the Ubuntu Studio desktop and additional packages so they run on a Raspberry Pi?

First you need to enable Universe repositories. Make sure these lines are uncommented in /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal universe
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-updates universe
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-security universe

You could then try the following:

sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop^

And then install additional packages, according to your needs.

sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop^
sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-fonts^
sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-graphics^
sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-photography^
sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-publishing^
sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-video^

However, referring to the official website this would be unsupported, and entirely on your own risk.

Refer to this existing question, as pointed out by N0rbert, for details.