Is there a derogatory word for "mobile phone" (cellphone) similar to "idiot box" for a television?

My father called our TV "the idiot box". Implying either that it had idiots on it, was targeted at idiots, or you were an idiot if you watched it too much.

Is there any similar term in use but referring to mobile phones?

Solution 1:

While electronic leash was traditionally the derogatory term for a pager, with the demise of pagers and the ubiquity of cell phones I imagine the term could be carried over to phones now.

Solution 2:

In an similar vein to idiot box, a derogatory name for someone who uses their mobile phone a lot is smartphone zombie. From Urban Dictionary:

A person that is constantly focused on his or her smartphone, ignoring the environment and especially other people.

Dude 1: Hey you see that girl over there? She looks good right?

Dude 2: Sure, but I´d stay away from her man, she´s one of those smartphone-zombies.

Here's a CNN story on smartphone zombies, and a Flickr collection of photos.

Solution 3:

The dependence that corporate drive placed on slavish attention to the Blackberry led to it being called a Crackberry.

iPhonitis refers to digital injury due to overuse.