Minecraft crashes after launching with buildcraft [closed]

You've been tricked

The latest BuildCraft (version 3.7.2) from the official download site is for Minecraft 1.5.2. It will not work for Minecraft 1.6.2.

Either you downloaded it from a scam/malware site that lied about being compatible with 1.6.2 (scam mod sites are very common, since it's easy to prey on people hoping for mods compatible with the latest Minecraft version), or someone well-meaning simply didn't understand compatibility and was wrong when they told you it would work with 1.6.2.

There is no fix. You'll have to either downgrade to Minecraft 1.5.2 and use that to play BuildCraft, or wait for BuildCraft to update to Minecraft 1.6.x.

Always download mods from reputable sources you trust!

Never find mods by Googling. Either find the mod on the author's site or from Minecraftforums.net pinned mod list thread. Anywhere else is either illegally redistributing the real mod or is offering a fake mod that might be malware.

Even if it's the real mod, they often provide inaccurate or misleading compatibility information to boost downloads and their advertising income, leaving you with a mod that simply doesn't work while they get paid for your misfortune.