New posts in minecraft-buildcraft

Can quarry borders overlap in buildcraft?

How is MJ distributed?

How can I up the quarry chunk loading limit?

Does a quarry keep chunks loaded after it has finished?

Minecraft crashes after launching with buildcraft [closed]

Is water still infinite with BuildCraft?

What happens when a quarry mines a chest?

Tekkit pipes getting clogged

How do I power a pump with a Reactor

Receiving tesseract does not interact with build-craft transport pipes

Solar powered quarry in Tekkit?

Can a silk touch pickaxe be used in a quarry?

Are BuildCraft and IndustrialCraft compatible with each other?

What happens to items in pipes when a chunk is unloaded?

buildcraft combustion engines overheat

Prevent BuildCraft Item Drops

Can BuildCraft's Redstone Engines explode?

Redstone and Combustion engines constantly stopping and starting

Is there a way to prevent pipe overflow in Buildcraft?

How can I clean up item drops on my server?